Spotlight on 25 Years of Grantmaking: Notes from SNF Deputy Group Chief IT Officer Thanassis Politis
What’s a grant that’s stuck with you over time?
The SNFCC grant! Foundation’s largest single grant!
I was fortunate to follow the so-called ‘triple project' since 1998, from the original idea to the construction and the final delivery to Greek society in 2017. Particularly the IT infrastructure of the project was demanding, challenging, and at the same time a learning experience for me.
What’s your favorite part of working at SNF?
The people. Helping my colleagues and grantees understand and utilize technology for their benefit.
Thanassis Politis, Deputy Group Chief IT Officer, Athens
Thanassis has been at SNF since 1996, the Foundation’s first year, and is part of the team that helps make its annual SNF Nostos celebration happen