Nothing Around Me Is What It Appears To Be, in the Latest BOMB Oral History
Jan 08, 2020

BOMB, a nonprofit-published arts magazine, features artist-to-artist interviews between people practicing a variety of disciplines, from writing, to architecture, to dance.
Through the BOMB Oral History Project, begun in 2014, a series of interviews seeks to record the histories of Artists of African descent in New York City.
“Well that’s what life is about for me,” reflects artist Willie Cole in the latest interview. “It’s making a connection to something greater than yourself. Without naming deities and giving it isms, it’s just awareness that nothing around me is what it appears to be, and that everything is a mystery.”
Cole, a conceptual and visual artist, is interviewed by writer Nancy Princenthal. The Oral History Project interviews appear on the BOMB website, and certain interviews are available in podcast form.
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) provides support for the BOMB Oral History Project. SNF has also supported other oral history projects in the United States and in Greece, notably Istorima’s efforts to collect more than 50,000 oral histories from around Greece, employing young people as researchers.