The SNF Running Team came, saw, and gave it their all at the 41st Athens Authentic Marathon!
The establishment of the SNF Running Team—a team open to all runners—began in September 2024. It felt like a natural step after years of organizing the SNF Nostos Run and SNF RUN: FIRST RUN at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) in collaboration with the nonprofit Regeneration & Progress and after the recent excitement of the SNF Bréal Cup Challenge on the popular Strava app.
The SNF Running Team’s first act was to reach out to the members of the SNF Strava Club, inviting them to register for the races at the 41st Authentic Athens Marathon. SNF in collaboration with Regeneration & Progress, secured 50 entries for the Authentic Marathon route, 150 entries for the 10K race, and 300 entries for the 5K race, all offered free of charge to team members.
Every member of the SNF Running Team had the chance to participate in 12 free training sessions with the SNFCC Running Team. Plus, their official Marathon kit included a specially designed SNF Running Team t-shirt for team members.
Meet the runners!

During the two days of races at the 41st Authentic Athens Marathon, the team, whose motto—“Give it all you have. Every day."—comes from SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos, arrived at the starting line and truly gave it all they had. Some runners on the team achieved excellent results, some others were running for the first time in a major event, but all felt the awe and excitement of finishing a race in Kallimarmaro stadium, dressed to match 499 other people united by a love of running
Photos: Trivision