How Will Cities Look a Century from Now? An Immersive Model from Chatham House’s SNF CoLab Explores
A public fountain that doubles as a drinking fountain. Urban waterways to cope with rising seas. A Mars Expo advertising a five-year emigration scheme for the Red Planet.
From the mundane, to the seemingly fantastical, to the intersection of the two, Futurescape London, a project from Chatham House’s SNF CoLab, offers an immersive, interactive vision of what Central London might look like at four points over the next hundred years. The goal is not to try to predict what the will future actually hold, but to spark conversation around what a positive future for cities might look like and what we want those cities to accomplish.
Explore Futurescape London
The SNF CoLab, which aims to make Chatham House’s incisive policy research accessible to the public, was established through a landmark 2019 Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) grant that created the think tank’s SNF Wing.