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Clean water sustains quality learning at schools in rural Cambodia

Thanks to nonprofit organization 1001fontaines and the work of local clean-water entrepreneurs, students at 72 schools across Cambodia had access to safe drinking water with support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

Working with local partners, 1001fontaines establishes “water kiosks,” local microenterprises that produce and deliver 20-liter bottles of clean water in their communities. SNF’s support helped bring newly established water kiosks in Cambodia on board to participate in the organization’s Water in Schools Program, and entrepreneurs in 23 communities provided safe drinking water to 24,667 kids in school. All told, 1001fontaines supplies clean water to a fifth of students in Cambodia.

The organization says that waterborne illness is the leading cause of school absenteeism where it works, so providing clean water can help remove a substantial barrier to uninterrupted learning. The water deliveries also become the starting point for education on healthy hygiene and water consumption practices for kids.

SNF has also supported 1001fontaines' work in Madagascar.