The Coronary Unit of the General Hospital of Thessaloniki “George Papanikolaou” was renovated with the support of the SNF

The SNF grant involved the relocation, refurbishing and renovation of the Coronary Unit in order to be more functional, safe and compatible with the current clinical and operational requirements. At the same time, within the context of the grant, the old premises of the Cardiology Clinic were renovated to accommodate five triple rooms. The specific grant complements the previous support of the SNF to the same hospital, which regarded the renovation of the Cardiology Clinic.
The General Hospital of Thessaloniki “George Papanikolaou” was established in 1920 and was originally conceived to treat patients suffering from tuberculosis. It gradually grew and expanded in the ‘60s and ‘70s until it became a General Hospital in the mid-1980s covering the full spectrum of medical services.