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A show about Field of Life, by kids for kids

May 23, 2022

Spontaneous, unscripted, unrehearsed, and unrestricted. Two kids who have participated in Field of Life activities, Ioannis and Kostas, present the organization in one minute through an improvised show. After all, who better to talk about an organization for kids than the kids themselves?

Today, we’ll tell you about Field of Life, which will exist starting in 2024…” Catch the rest on their show.

The nonprofit Field of Life was born out of twin visions: That of SNF Co-President Andreas Dracopoulos to create opportunities for all young people—especially those living in underserved areas—to grow and thrive. And that of basketball legend Panagiotis Giannakis to inspire new generations of kids to develop healthy lifestyles, starting in the city of Nikaia, where he was born and raised.

Field of Life’s purpose-built facilities will be completed in 2024. Until then, Field of Life will offer regular free events for kids at schools in Nikaia and across Greece.

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