Worldreader Releases Results From the LEAP (Libraries, E-Reading, Activities & Partnership) Project in Kenya, Supported by the SNF

With the support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, LEAP brought Worldreader’s digital reading platform to 61 public libraries in Kenya, contributing to Kenya’s Vision 2030, achieving national scale, and laying a foundational model for replication globally. The results of the project showcase the positive effects of digital reading on libraries and local communities.
KNLS is poised to maintain the digital reading program well into the next decade, while Worldreader applies the lessons learned and forms new partnerships with library services throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Worldreader is a global nonprofit whose mission is to help the world read. The organization provides students and their families with a free digital library available on e-readers and mobile phones, complemented with a suite of reading support programs.
Kenya National Library Service Board is a statutory body of the Government of Kenya established by an Act of Parliament, Cap 225 of the Laws of Kenya in April 1965. Knls is mandated to promote, establish, equip, manage, and maintain libraries in Kenya. To date, a network of 62 branch libraries has been established in different parts of the country.
The full LEAP report can be found here.