The SNF Expands its Support for Barça Foundation’s FutbolNet Methodology Programs

The SNF has supported the Barça Foundation for the implementation of its FutbolNet methodology programs, which use sports to support refugee and local children in Lebanon, Greece and Italy.
At the General Assembly meeting, a statement by the SNF Co-President, Mr. Andreas Dracopoulos, was shared announcing the Foundation’s commitment to expand its support for the Barça Foundation’s impactful education and sport programs.
In his address, Mr. Dracopoulos noted “We live in very challenging times and the luckier, the more successful, the more affluent, the more we have a responsibility to collaborate for the common good. It is in this spirit of collaborating for the common good that we are very happy to have established this partnership with Barca Foundation over the last few years […] our Board has just approved the renewal of its collaboration with Barca Foundation for another 3 years with our total commitment reaching almost 6 million Euro […] we look forward to our ongoing partnership to help provide a better tomorrow for all.”
Read the full remarks here.
The collaboration between the two organizations keeps bearing fruit, extending past the support for Barça Foundation’s programs. It is through Barça Foundation that the SNF learned of the need for a pediatric cancer facility in the SJD Children’s Hospital in Barcelona and decided to support its construction, in an effort to improve health care access to disadvantaged children from all over the world. SNF and Barça Foundation representatives participated on October 18th in the foundation stone laying event held by the SJD Hospital. The emotionally charged event culminated with the surprise announcement of new grant commitments by the SNF and the Leo Messi Foundation, spearheaded by the Barça Foundation’s support, that brought the fundraising goal for the complete development of the center to its completion. To find out more about SNF support to the SJD Children’s Hospital click here.