“The Art of Intercultural Composition,” a New Training Program from Medinea

Medinea, a network-based project of the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, helps emerging artists around the Mediterranean work across cultures and disciplines as their artistry matures.
The presentation of the training program, for which the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) provided support, was held in the presence of Belgian composer Fabrizio Cassol, known as the first adopter of a new instrument, the aulochrome. Yesterday, Cassol conducted a masterclass, and tomorrow Medinea members will take part in a session on how to encourage cultural exchange across the Mediterranean.
Meanwhile, Medinea’s Intercultural Creation Sessions, in which young musicians from around the Mediterranean meld traditions in intensive musical improvisation and creation, are taking place from July 5 to 21. The musicians’ concluding concert, under Cassol’s direction, also took place on the 18th.
The event, which SNF representatives are attending, is taking place in Aix-en-Provence.