The program for the coming winter season, which will celebrate its 80 years of opera at the GNO, marks a new era of dialogue and interaction with the global opera scene. A new grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), will help further enhance its artistic extroversion and broaden its horizons beyond the borders of Greece.
As envisioned by Giorgos Koumendakis, the program defines what extroversion can look like for a national opera through strategic partnerships and co-productions with international institutions. It invests in creation through commissions and explores the interaction of lyrical theater with visual arts.
Through the new program, we will enjoy the fruits of the partnerships with great artists such as Yorgos Lanthimos, Olivier Py, and Marina Abramović, while six of the most ambitious and internationally acclaimed productions supported by SNF include collaborations with the Vienna State Opera and the Paris Opera.
At the same time, more than ten international co-productions for the next few years are currently being finalized. The anniversary program for 2021 is being confirmed, and possibilities for the international promotion of the GNO’s work are being explored.
As part of the presentation, Ballet Director Konstantinos Rigos announced the GNO’s Ballet Program, highlighting new dancers who have been included in the staff with the support of the SNF.