In 2017, with the exclusive support of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), FRODIZO started “Care for Dementia in the Community,” an initiative that provides health, psychological, and counseling support services to people suffering from dementia in Patras, as well as training to their caregivers. Today, after two years of project implementation, the results are impressive.
In total, some 3,500 home sessions were held by members of the program’s interdisciplinary team in six-month intervals with 85 families taking care of someone with dementia. 149 family caregivers and health professionals participated in dementia training seminars, while approximately 500 beneficiaries participated in the informational activities carried out by FRODIZO in Patras and other areas of Western Greece.
In addition, the program also launched the “Memory Support Office,” a structure focused on providing early diagnosis of dementia, information on how to prevent the disease, as well as counseling support for caregivers of people with dementia. A total of 226 appointments were carried out through the Memory Support Office.
A special informational event will take place with support from SNF on Saturday, September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day, in which the results of the Care for Dementia in the Community program will be presented.