HOC and Sports Excellence Work Together To Support “Adopt an Athlete on the Way to Tokyo” Program

The Sports Excellence Program is the result of an initiative undertaken by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) and carried out, with the exclusive support of the SNF, in collaboration with the 1st Orthopedic Clinic of University of Athens Medical School. Sports Excellence is an innovative scientific program, which applies a holistic approach to empower young athletes and to improve the environment in which they evolve, while simultaneously supporting coaches, parents, administrative and educational personnel.
As part of the program “Adopt an Athlete on the Way to Tokyo” participating athletes will have the opportunity to undergo free ergometric tests following personalized and specialized protocol, to participate together with their coaches and parents in a series of training seminars and to work with Sports Excellence scientific staff in order to design an individualized strategy to tackle harsh environmental conditions during the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Last but not least, they will receive education about increased risk of injury and excessive training and will undergo ergometric tests in their training through the Sports Excellence Mobile Sports Unit and the portable equipment acquired.
Dr Takis Koulouvaris, Orthopedic Surgeon and Head Lecturer at the 1st University Orthopedic Clinic of the NTUA, stated: “It is a great honor and a pleasure for us to work together with HOC. Sports Excellence scientists are distinguished by their high degree of scientific training, and also true love and vision for Greek Sports. We will stand by each athlete’s side, while being respectful on their personalities, aiming to help them achieve their expectations. Sports Excellence Program is carried out with the exclusive support of the SNF, with the goal of supporting Greek Sports”.