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De La Salle Academy

Sep 25, 2019
De La Salle Academy doesn’t fit a typical independent school mold.
The secular, co-ed middle school located in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood conducts need-blind admissions, charges tuition on a sliding scale, and gives some degree of financial assistance to every student.
A new SNF grant will bolster De La Salle’s arts and STEM offerings to enrich the experiences of these sixth- through eighth-grade students and to open up new avenues in their future. Support for arts programming will go toward developing a theater program through which students will have the opportunity to stage plays.
De La Salle’s science and math curriculum has traditionally depended on secondhand materials received as donations. This has left students and teachers unable to reach their full educational potential in these areas by rounding out theoretical learning with hands-on experience. Additionally, guided by growing interest from students, the school will formalize an extracurricular program in robotics and engineering.
SNF is proud to help De La Salle Academy help students from all backgrounds activate their innate curiosity and excitement for learning.