Our Very Own Andreas Dracopoulos Never Shies Away from the True Spirit of Philanthropy in his Latest Interview in LiFO

The de profundis interview with Greek magazine LiFO, honest and all-encompassing, touched on a wide range of current and future issues. Mr. Dracopoulos spoke about himself, his choices and, above all, the Foundation’s far-reaching efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of people in Greece, the U.S., and the rest of the world.
He discussed the role of cooperation with the Greek state in SNF’s work: “We, as I have repeatedly emphasized, are not here to replace, but to complement the state. Moreover: we do not wish to do so. And even if we wanted to, we would not be able to. And even if we were able to, we shouldn’t be doing it.”
He also underlined his faith in the power of young people: “If I could find a way, I would hand the country over to young people, because, despite their inexperience, they are our only chance to break the ties that keep us captive.”
Read the complete interview here.
To read an English translation, click here.